Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm finding that one of the difficult parts of writing a blog is starting the blog… I have so many things I want to write and tell you!  I can't type fast enough to keep up with my own thoughts!  

What we are about to embark on together is an incredible journey with God’s penmanship all over it!  Before we get started here there are some things you should know about me, I write how I speak.  I am a storyteller and a truth teller, so I will be honest and often unedited.  I will share with you what I am learning and how God is refining me and sometimes it might seem raw, but for me it is just the real deal.  As much as I might want to hide the struggles or the sometimes messy parts of me and my life, Jesus is continually teaching me the power of living a transparent life.  I often find His humor in the fact that He knows I like to be all put together and when everything seems to be falling apart for me, it is never in private.  (Can I get an amen from anyone else out there?!)  So there you have it, transparency, in hopes that we might learn together and recognize when the King of kings is interweaving our stories or throwing us a lifeline to learn from.

What I can't wait to tell you is how God has surrounded me with the coolest people (smile at yourself now).  When the task of financially getting to Mexico feels daunting, there you are!  Let me give you some examples... 

He holds all of this in His Hand

I have wrestled with doing one-on-one meetings for raising support simply because I have had experiences where I felt trapped and pressured to give money.  The need for prayer and the Holy Spirit had momentarily left the table when it came to those situations.  So, the thought of inviting individual friends to meet with me and having to ask them face to face to financially support me has been the item I keep moving to tomorrow on my "to-do today" list.  Jesus, being the gentleman that He is, set up my first one-on-one support raising meeting without me even knowing.  I scheduled to meet with a great mentor of mine last week for lunch, just to catch up because I dearly love and cherish her and have not seen her in so long.  We had a fantastic lunch and shared where God has us and what we are learning.  She offered new insights and shared personal experiences that shed light onto this adventure God has had me on since December (stay tuned for another post).  As we finished lunch she said something to the effect of (as though helping me along in the presentation I wasn't even aware we were having), "so aren't you going to tell me how to support you financially?"  Suddenly I realized I had just had my first one-on-one meeting and as nervous as I was to ever ask people face-to-face for money, God humbled me by showing His hand in all of this.  In fact, He showed me that HE holds ALL of this in HIS HAND!  It is not by my works that I get to partner with Back2Back Ministries and it will not be by my efforts that I financially arrive in Mexico either.  He invites us along, whether to be the one who is going or the one who is helping others go.  All things "I know", but when head knowledge becomes heart knowledge we connect with the power of The One who really knows and He gently teaches us.  So thank you sweet lunch/life friend for being faithful to God and for showing me that one-on-ones simply allow space for those who God has providentially put in my life and who love Him, to give back to God and support me, if it is what He is asking them to do.  So, if you want to get lunch...give me a call.  ;)

World Changers

God has surrounded me with people who already have a heart for Back2Back Ministries and it is one of my all time favorite “people groups”- students!  I LOVE students because I think they are WORLD CHANGERS!  They are un-jaded by the harsh realities of life and it makes them uninhibited and so hungry to just love Jesus and go after everything He puts out there for them.  Nothing is too big or unattainable.  They are lovers and dreamers, pursuers and go-getters.  I simply love how they see and do life.  I believe in them and think they are unstoppable, and for this insight I am thankful to God, that I don't belittle the impact that they can have on the world around them.  With that said, allow me to give you a taste of why I feel the way I feel.  One student is in the throws of planning a benefit concert simply because she loves Jesus and she loves Back2Back.  All the money raised is being donated to Back2Back and God's timing is such that all money raised will go to sending me.  Other students have stepped up wanting to cut hair, sell baked goods, jewelry, hats, and artwork so they can use their gifts to give back.  It is incredible.  Watch out world!  They are a chosen generation!

*Concert is Friday, July 6th at the Vineyard Student Union (more details below as well).

This is the Church!

A family that I love so much has “adopted” me and overwhelmed my heart with support.  They are throwing a 4th of July party and have been racking their brains as a family for ways to help me reach my goal.  I'll let the invitation speak for itself...

"This year we are trying something a little different.  A dear friend of our family, Amy Inkrot, is trying to raise funds to spend a year with Back2Back Ministries, http://back2backministries.org loving on orphans in Mexico and we want to help her reach her goal.  There will be a donation box set up for anyone who feels so inclined.  Checks should be made out to Back2Back Ministries and of course cash will not be turned away!  This is definitely a "no pressure" deal; we just want to give people an opportunity to help if they can.

Also, there will be a Back2Back benefit concert held on July 6th at 7:00pm at the Vineyard Student Union https://vinenet.net/vincin/vcc.php?id=27. Proceeds from this concert will go toward helping Amy reach her goal. There will be a bake sale, craft sale, Parisian scarf sale and lots of music from local artists including (drum roll, please) Jillian's band */Overzealous Noise/*!!!  If you haven't heard this band yet, be one of the first to follow them before they become famous and won't talk to you anymore:-D ! (They are scheduled right now to open, so be there at 7pm sharp!)

We are really looking forward to seeing all of you at one or both of these events." 

Thank you great friends!  I appreciate your support more than I can ever express!  This is what the big “C” Church looks like! It is an honor to serve Jesus with you!

He is not sending me…He is sending us!

The "fear" of sharing these stories is that others will feel that their donation doesn't matter or be less likely to give because “others are taking care of it.”  I have no fear in this because I realize I have nothing to do with the stories God is writing aside from being obedient to what He calls me to do.  An opening blog about finances is not what I had in mind or what I would have chosen, but now that I am wrapping up my first post, I realize that is what has spilled onto the page.  It is what I am learning and it is the focus of my prayers right now.  I cannot do this thing without the response of others that He is calling to partner in this adventure with me.  Therefore, I cannot thank you enough for your support and as this Back2Back mission calling unfolds, I realize even more that He is not sending me, He is sending us!  Are you ready?!?

1 comment:

  1. Very proud of your sweet heart and your love or Jesus, it is my pleasure to support you
