recently read a newsletter that compared Lego pieces to the church's ability to
do something amazing in foster care. I think the same is true in my line of
work, orphan care with Back2Back Ministries.
me to recap a few points I really liked (*Lego analogy borrowed, not mine)...
"The thing with Legos is that often what you are able to build is
limited by the pieces you have." Once you build up quite the
collection, no matter how elaborate your Lego creation is, there are
always more Legos there for you to use. (2nd line is my paraphrase)
summer I had the honor and privilege to serve alongside of HUNDREDS
of people engaged in global orphan care. They traveled from all over the United
States, Canada, and even Norway, using their vacation time and finances to
invest in the lives of the orphans we care for. One of the roles I had
this summer was debriefing several of these visiting teams. Debriefing is a
simple end of the day activity to reflect and capture how Heaven is
invading/colliding with your life that day. It is a moment to take stock
on what God is teaching you about yourself, others/the world, and Himself.
And what He is asking you to do about what He is pressing on your heart.
all of these incredible Christ followers and hearing their stories, I
realize that we have a surplus of Lego pieces to build something amazing in
orphan care. We are not lacking pieces. I was surrounded by people who
desire nothing more for the children and caregivers we serve to feel loved,
cared for, appreciated, wanted and to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.
"There are so many people who want to do something but just need
encouragement and a few tools. And of course, there are thousands of
churches filled with people on a journey to figure out how the gospel can be
demonstrated through their lives."
witnessed that truth this summer; better than Lego pieces these people are.
Our guests are amazingly talented individuals uniquely called and desiring
to serve Jesus with their lives. I am thankful that the ministry I work
with constantly strives to encourage and equip these individuals. It is a
shared passion of mine.
you visiting teams, co-laborers, and countless other ministries involved in
orphan care and foster care around the world. We are building something amazing
and I can't wait to witness as much of it as I can in my lifetime. Let's
build on!
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