Monday, November 26, 2012

Would you like Fries with all that Ketchup?

September 26, 2012

Oh Jesus,

The funniest thing happened yesterday. Well, funny now that it is past I should say…

From the time my students left their houses after lunch and showed up at school (a 20-30 second dash for them) they were COVERED in ketchup! My first thought was "What happened, are you ok?" (I only noticed one student covered in "blood") then I kept thinking "What is that smell?" As I looked around, I realized not one, but rather, all five were covered in "blood" and there was more to this story...

They do some of the grossest things in general (eat their boogers, bite the scabs off their knees, dig through any trash can to find, well, anything) but ketchup, really?!? And from where? I have no idea. I just sent them home for new clothes so we could start over. J

I tried all day to think how this relates to us (grown kids) and Jesus, what lesson You might have for me in this ketchup extravaganza… and all I got was that You, Jesus, love us anyway and You laugh at all the crazy things we do and go through. We do some pretty gross things too and You love us anyway.

And truth is, sometimes you probably wish our gross things were just being covered in ketchup or eating our own boogers!

How is that for an entry?! Sorry Jesus ;) 

-your peanut

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